Avoid ultraviolet radiation and prolonged exposure to the sun. as it is very harmful to your skin and favors premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Always put on sunscreen and wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
Always remember to remove make-up and remove excess oil from your skin. You can also use anti-wrinkle creams with vitamins A, C and E.
Exfoliate your face It is a fundamental treatment to eliminate wrinkles. A chemical peeling is a treatment especially indicated to eliminate wrinkles.
Try massage. Every night you can get a face and neck massage. Smoothes the forehead, massages around the eyes, circles on the cheeks, etc.
Stop smoking. We all know that tobacco is very harmful to health, but it also affects our skin. Smokers' skin wrinkles earlier and more.
Hydrate. You have to drink between a liter and a half of water and two a day, also outside of meals. It is vital to stay hydrated on the outside and inside to eliminate toxins.
Maintain a healthy, varied and balanced diet. We recommend carbohydrates at noon and protein at night. Likewise, reduce sugars, fried foods, sausages, etc.
Try to avoid stress. Whenever possible, try not to stress yourself to avoid skin problems. Being relaxed will cause you to relax your facial muscles as well.