Of all the organs in the body, the skin is the most versatile of all.
It is the only organ that is directly and constantly open to the outside. The skin protects from external agents, from heat and cold, from air and the elements, from bacteria, it is waterproof, it repairs and lubricates itself, it even removes some waste from the body.
Like its relatives, hair and nails, it reflects both physical and mental health. The skin can warn of internal diseases with changes in its color or texture, with the appearance of pimples or spots. It provides the sense of touch, it can be rough or delicate, smooth or wrinkled, as needs or age dictate.
It is very important to take care of our skin, since it is in constant renewal. Dust, pollution, exposure to the sun or different climate changes are factors that cause wear on our skin, so it is very important to have a cleaning and care routine.